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How To Identify Antique Furniture Styles
Is your chair Empire, Queen Anne, Chippendale, or even French Empire? Our identification guide will help you identify your collectible tables, chairs, chests, and more.
Fire Protect Your Collectibles
The time to think about fire protection is before it strikes. Steps to take now to help save your collection.
To Preserve and Protect
April Hann Lanford is the Principal of Artifact, a Chicago firm specializing in the preservation and protection of works of art and historical artifacts. Her story is one of curiosity and passion.
Unfolding the saga of the Hitchcock Chair Co.
The Hitchcock Chair Company was an industry leader and innovator in both the 19th and 20th centuries. After a fascinating history, it folded—again—in 2006.
An American history lesson at the auction
American history can be found anywhere from museums to the old building around the block. I just happened to find an interesting source at an auction, not as a buyer or seller but as a student.
Dows gifted American antique furniture to Florida museum
A Daytona Beach, Florida, museum may hold the best collection of American antique furniture south of Williamsburg, Virginia.
Expanding tables accommodate families of every size
Eating used to be such a simple affair: If you found something to eat you ate it right then and there. When we got civilized eating became more complicated.
How to start studying furniture
Once you decide you have an interest and want to give it a go, here are the places and steps you can take in your pursuit of studying furniture.
Things We Love: Raggedy Ann, Howard’s Restor-A-Finish, Trunk Encyclopedia
Our staff loves old things, but these new products make our collections and investments all the more valuable: Raggedy Ann and Andy retro rag dolls, Howard’s Restor-A-Finish, The Encyclopedia of Antique Trunks.
How to speak French furniture
Fred Taylor’s introduction to Furniture French came when he and his wife were furnishing their first house. Learn about furniture pieces with French names.
Dispelling long-held furniture myths
Out here in the field it is amazing how many “furniture fables” still persist in this information age of the internet and the Antiques Roadshow.
New, Vintage, or Antique? Interpreting chair construction
At first chairs don’t have a lot to say about who they are or where they came from (or when); you have to look closely at the construction.
Functional Art: Use your antiques - wisely
One popular definition of furniture is “functional art.” But in order for it to function properly, we need to understand its use, care, and - when necessary - repair.
Furniture care facts & fallacies on the web
When I go looking on the internet for information on furniture, sometimes I am appalled at the amount of incomplete, misleading, inaccurate or just plain dead wrong information I come across.
Wood Furniture Care: Add oil only if it squeaks
The internet is awash in uninformed or misinformed furniture experts who offer their experience in wood furniture care. Here's what you really need to know.