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Grandpa's Antiques

102 S. Thayer St., Spencer, NE (*right on Highway 281)

This is one of the best quality antique stores in the state. Absolutely no junk!

Antique roll top desk, 2-round oak claw foot tables, 2 sets pressed back chairs, 6-antique curved glass china cabinets, 1-antique double curved glass secretary, 6 antique oak secretaries, vintage lunch boxes, antique sewing rockers, antique lawyers book cases, many wall telephones, several antique servers and sideboards, 4-antique school house wall clocks (all run), 12 antique mantle clocks all in working order, many red wing crocks-all sizes, huge collection oil cans, red wing water cooler, many Breyer horses, many Hamms, Budweiser, Schmidt, Schlitz and other beer signs, pool lights, wildlife mirrors, 1950s cap gun and holster sets, coke coolers, vintage us army bits, old spurs, over 25 aladdin lamps all colors, custard glass, northwood sets many pieces of carnival glass, dolls, hobnail, farm toys, pedal tractors, spool cabinet and much, much more!

One of the BEST QUALITY antique stores in the state of Nebraska, Open 10 am - 5 pm Wednesday - Saturday, Sundays open by special appointment only.

For more information email 

Or call 402-924-4233 or 402-925-8787